Tag Archives: employment lawsuits

It’s Time to Take Your Rest Break.
Employers typically understand that non-exempt and certain exempt employees are entitled to paid rest breaks. Beyond this fact, rest breaks laws have been widely misunderstood by employers and employees alike. California’s Wage Orders govern the amount and timing of rest periods. It is very important for employers to review the Wage Order pertinent to… Read More »

California’s Equal Pay Act Includes Race and Ethnicity.
As it is currently drafted, the substantive portion of the Equal Pay Act states “[a]n employer shall not pay any of its employees at wage rates less than the rates paid to employees of the opposite sex for substantially similar work, when viewed as a composite of skill, effort, and responsibility, and performed under… Read More »

Can I Be Fired From My Job For Any Reason?
Many California employers believe that they can fire an “at-will” employee for any reason. This belief is far from the truth. California employers need to be aware that there exists a plethora of exceptions to the general rule regarding “at-will” employment. What is “at-will” employment? The term “at-will” employment generally means that an employer… Read More »
How Individual Managers Can Protect Themselves from Employment Litigation Liability
In more and more cases, disgruntled employees who have a grievance against management are dragging individual employees at the company, like human resources department supervisors or managers into litigation. Individual managers and supervisors may find themselves at risk of being named in a lawsuit, and such lawsuits have been increasing recently. Supervisory employees, human… Read More »
Avoid These Common Legal Employment Pitfalls
Very often, simple mistakes that managers and supervisors make can lay the foundation for an expensive lawsuit against the firm. It’s only when those employment lawsuits actually make their way to court that managers hear about a perceived insult, or a minor slight, which might not have registered at the time, but made an… Read More »