Recent Blog Posts

Can an Employer Monitor Your Private Work Messages?
In the internet age, we cling to what privacy we can find. We know the difference between publicly posting on social media and sending a private direct message. We’ve also come to realize that our “private” messages may not be as private as we once thought–a product you mention in an email to someone… Read More »

What Are Your Rights During a Probationary Period at a New Job?
What Are Your Rights During a Probationary Period at a New Job? Employers often put employees on a “probationary period” after an employee has been disciplined or for a set time upon being newly hired. Employers use this time to evaluate an employee and make sure that they can handle the job. While on… Read More »

Can Employees Waive Their Rights to Overtime Pay?
California law guarantees workers certain protections. Among other things, all nonexempt workers aged 18 or older who work in the state are guaranteed overtime pay. Exemptions apply for certain administrative or professional fields, salespeople who work on commission, and certain other groups. Most hourly wage-earners, however, qualify for overtime protections. Under certain circumstances, employees… Read More »

Intermittent Leave Rights When You Have an Ongoing Condition
California state law and federal law both guarantee covered employees the right to take protected medical leave when necessary. However, not every instance of medical leave is as simple as a one-time injury or illness. If a worker has an ongoing condition that does not amount to a complete disability, whether and when they… Read More »

Understanding Your Overtime Rights as a California Nurse
California law protects workers across all industries. Whether you are in retail, law, or medicine, if you are a nonexempt employee, you are guaranteed certain rights. These rights include minimum wage, overtime, meal and rest breaks, and others. In certain professions, such as nursing, it’s become common practice to push employees to their limits…. Read More »

Employee Attestation
Employers in California are experiencing a high volume of employment-related legal claims, including claims related to unpaid wages, unlawful discrimination, harassment, retaliation, termination, workplace injuries and more. It is important for businesses to implement policies and practices that help reduce or even eliminate legal exposure. To date, most businesses are unaware of certain practices… Read More »

“No-Fault” Attendance Policies: How Do They Work?
Many companies have attempted to address attendance issues by implementing so-called “no-fault” attendance policies. These policies are meant to solve problems relating to attendance or tardiness by setting hard and fast rules about missing work without consideration as to the cause. Employees who run afoul of the policy, even unwittingly, can find themselves punished… Read More »

Successor Liability for Wage and Hour Judgments: CA Labor Code 200.3
If your employer violates a wage and hour law–meaning they have denied you proper overtime, paid you less than the minimum wage, refused your meal or rest breaks, or otherwise failed to pay you what you are owed–you are entitled to your unpaid wages and/or penalties. What happens, however, when your employer gets acquired… Read More »

What is a PAGA Claim?
The Private Attorneys General Act (PAGA) is a California Labor Code statute that allows employees to seek out civil penalties against their employers, enabling them to essentially act as “private attorneys general.” Employees can seek out civil penalties for themselves and/or other employees on behalf of the State of California. The law was enacted… Read More »

Can Employers Fire You For Being Sick?
No one wants to go to work while sick. In the past, many people felt obligated to do so–unless you were physically unable to make it to the office, work culture pressured you into showing up, even if you might make your co-workers ill. That mentality has certainly changed with the novel coronavirus pandemic…. Read More »