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CA AB5 Law Explained: Misclassifying Employees as Independent Contractors
Understanding the type of employment you have with your hiring company is important for several reasons. In addition to helping you understand your tax liability at the end of the year, understanding your employment status allows you access to important benefits like workers’ compensation and health benefits. For workers, misclassification of employees as independent… Read More »

Are Two-Week Notice Letters Required in California?
From a legal standpoint, there is no requirement that employees in California must give an employer a two-week notice before leaving a job. This is because California is classified as an “at-will” employment state. As an at-will employment state, employees can terminate their relationship with an employer whenever they choose, without needing to give… Read More »

How to Tell if You’re “Exempt” From CA Wage and Hour Laws
California law guarantees employees certain rights. Workers have the right to be free from discrimination and harassment in the workplace, they have the right to be free from retaliation for exercising legally-protected rights, etc. Employees are also guaranteed a minimum wage, overtime pay, meal and rest breaks, and other wage and hour protections. Not… Read More »

Does CA Require Paid Meal Breaks?
California law provides certain rights to employees and imposes certain obligations on employers. In addition to minimum wage and overtime laws, California provides covered employees the right to take breaks during a workday. Continue reading to learn about meal breaks and rest breaks in California. For assistance with an employee rights matter in Southern… Read More »

What Is Employment At-Will?
You may have heard that California is an “at-will” state, meaning workers are employed at-will. Many workers are not clear on the exact meaning of at-will, or where the boundaries of at-will employment lie. Read on for a discussion of at-will employment and how it works in California. If you have concerns about the… Read More »

Most Common Types of Workplace Lawsuits
California law gives workers a right of action for violation of state labor law. Workers may also have a claim under relevant federal laws. Below, we discuss the most common types of workplace lawsuits brought against California employers. If you are an employee who has been treated unlawfully, or if you are an employer… Read More »

What Are Cancer Patients’ Rights in the Workplace?
A cancer diagnosis can derail your life, but it doesn’t have to. California and federal laws protect worker rights, even in the face of a cancer diagnosis. Continue reading to learn about cancer patient rights in California, and if you’ve been improperly denied benefits or discriminated against at your job, call our Orange County… Read More »

What Is a Quid Pro Quo?
California workers are guaranteed the right to be free from sexual harassment in the workplace. Sexual harassment is a form of gender and sex discrimination prohibited under both state and federal law. Harassment can take many forms, although sexual harassment is usually broken down into two categories: “hostile work environment” harassment and “quid pro… Read More »

Can Employers Ask For Proof of Disability?
Disability discrimination in the workplace is unlawful under both state and federal law. Covered employers must not only disregard considerations of a qualified employee’s disability when making employment decisions; they must also provide reasonable accommodations for employees with a new or preexisting disability. If you ask for reasonable accommodation, however, and your employer does… Read More »

Can My Boss Deny My Time Off Request?
Employers typically provide some form of discretionary leave. After you’ve worked at the company for a certain period of time, you are told you can take time off for vacation or sick days. What if you ask to take time off and your boss says no? Are they legally allowed to deny your request?… Read More »