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Background Screening Checks and References

It is one of the more important parts of the recruitment process. Conducting a background screening check, and contacting references from previous employers is a crucial part of the recruitment process at any company. Companies must involve a Santa Ana employment law firm for guidance on how they can protect themselves from litigation during this process.

Whenever any new job applicant presents his candidature for the job, he is likely to present the most appealing side of his personality and his professional background. How do you confirm whether the person is as qualified or experienced as he claims he is? Getting references from earlier employers is one way to confirm that his credentials are as authentic as he claims they are.

You are allowed to ask for references from job applicants, and you are also allowed to contact previous employers to make sure that the information that has been presented in the application form is completely authentic. However, in order to protect yourself from any kind of litigation in the future, make the job applicant sign a release form. The release form can absorb you of any kind of liability, by getting the person’s complete permission to contact previous employers mentioned in the references.

While conducting a background check and calling a former employer, make sure that you have all the dates of the previous employment at hand, so that you can confirm those dates. Don’t simply assume that all information presented in an application form is absolutely authentic and accurate.

However, when you call up the previous employer for a reference, make sure that you do not use it simply to get negative personal information about the job applicant. Use the call to get information about the dates of employment with the previous employer, as well as the person’s job duties. Talk about his performance assessment, and the quality of his work. Ask for details about wages, as well as any disciplinary records, or violent tendencies exhibited at work. Any Santa Ana law firm would also recommend that you discuss the terms of the person’s termination or discharge, and the reasons and circumstances surrounding the termination or discharge.

Make sure that you have enough information at hand, so that you can reject the application if you need to, and have enough reasons for rejecting the application. This will be useful to you if the person turns around and files a discrimination employment lawsuit, alleging discriminatory hiring practices.


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